The Falkland Islands and South Atlantic
KELP GOOSE Chloephaga hybrida

KELP GOOSE Chloephaga hybrida

  • kelp-geese

This goose is found on most coastlines, particularly rocky and shingle beaches in the Falklands where it feeds on red algae, sea lettuce and sea weeds at low tides but it will also graze on grass.    Length: 64-69 cm ((25-27 inches). Very distinctive pair, male completely white with yellow legs and black beak. Female dark brown head and back with heavily barred black and white breast flanks and neck. Tail white, bill pink and legs yellow.  

Common breeding resident on Falkland Islands and breeds along the coast of Chile, from southern Cauten towards southern islands of the Beagle Channel, Cape Horn and Staten Island.  


  • kelpers





Sources include: Falkland Islands State of the Environment Report 2008 Otley H, Munro G, Clausen A, Ingham B. Wikipedia, Falklands Conservation, A Field Guide to the Wildlife of The Falkland Islands and South Georgia - Ian J Strange, Guide to Birds of the Falkland Islands- Robin W. Woods.
Photographic credits: Robert Maddocks, Jean Sinclair
Photographs and Images Copyright: The images on this site have been bought under licence or have been used with the permission of their owners. They may not be copied or downloaded in any form without their owner's consent.
















